Your Foundation proudly presents the 30|UNDER|30 Class of 2020 spotlight, sponsored by Ungerboeck Software International – Samantha Bernheim, Event Manager at the Virginia Beach Convention Center. Samantha has managed over 200 events including Virginia Beach’s High
By Ellen Lampert-Greaux #WeMakeEvents #RedAlertRESTART and #ExtendPUA represent a major call to action, imploring the US Congress to pass the RESTART Act (S.3814) as quickly as possible, offering economic relief to the Live Events Industry, which has been shuttered since March 2020, p
Watch the Advocacy ZOOMcast Now! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!! To those of you who have already helped spread the word online and reached out to your congressional representatives, thank you for helping advocate for our industry. We know a few of you had issu
Congress will soon start negotiations on the next COVID-19 package, which will likely include changes to the current Small Business Administration’s Payroll Protection Program (PPP) under the CAREs Act. This is a critical time for IAVM members to reach out to Congressional Sena
Today, we are announcing that we are back, we are stronger than ever, and we are COMMITTED to getting and giving to the POWERFUL WOMEN in the industry. Starting today…right now… we are getting back together to continue what we started – 100+ WOMEN of IAVM | DONATE 100+. Launched