By R.V. Baugus Mark Herrera, IAVM’s Director of Safety and Security, has trained more than 400 venues and organizations in various facets including Situational Awareness (Mitigating Risk Through Guest Services), De-Escalation Training for Frontline Teams, Active Threat/Active Sh
By Mariela McIlwraith, CMP, CMM, MBA In 2017, business events supported 26 million jobs, reached 1.5 billion people, and contributed $1.5 trillion USD of GDP. Share your event info to help the Industry Events Council measure our direct, indirect and catalytic impacts. 1 CE available f
You may have taken the first step in the process toward becoming a CVE by completing the “CVE Checklist” to ascertain if you have accumulated the 300 points needed to make application and start the formal process, or perhaps this is the first time you have considered pursuing certific
By R.V. Baugus From “Allied Member Community” to “Young Professionals” and everything in between, IAVM’s VenueNet currently has 51 communities for members to join to participate in discussions covering a vast range of topics. Participating is easy. Simply
The Events Industry Council introduced its new Sustainability and Social Impact Foundations Certificate, which provides guidance to event industry organizations on how to launch their own sustainability and social impact programs. It is also suitable for organizations with established