IAVM has been working hard with TwinLogic Strategies to ensure that the needs of our members are met under the CARES Act. Now, we need your help to voice your venue’s story to your congressional members. Our 7,000+ members, and the products and services that they provide, touch more than 300 million Americans annually. In order to bring the story of how the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected you, their their constituents”, we need you to reach out to those who have legislative decision-making powers and help drive the needs of our industry home.
To assist, IAVM is providing access to an Advocacy Toolkit. In this kit, you will find a general letter, which we encourage all members to send to their Senators and Representatives. You will also find social media post samples and call talking points, to help better guide you when making posts, or when you speak with your congressional members on the phone. Please take a moment and look over the toolkit and to help IAVM advocate for assistance in the recovery of our industry.
Find out more by clicking HERE