Are you looking to change the sector you are involved in, are you wanting to learn a new skill, improve your leadership skills or need help devising a plan to become the next general manager at your venue? Are you a veteran in the industry looking to obtain a CFE or CVP designation?
The IAVM Mentor Connector Program is an excellent vehicle to enhance your venue management career. Supported by some of our industry’s best and brightest venue professionals, now is the time to sign up for this unique program. Both mentors and mentees benefit from participating in the program—mentors become better teachers and mentees benefit from the knowledge and direction they gain. The partnership usually introduces both individuals to a new network of colleagues!
Mentor Connector has no age limitations. You may want to learn about the latest smartphone apps, the latest techniques in ensuring the fan experience, advocacy laws that are applicable in your state or region—everyone can learn something from someone!
If you’d like to experience the value of this member benefit, please apply online at by March 25, 2017. The Mentoring Committee will be hosting an informational webinar on March 22, 2017 at 1pm CDT. We hope you can join in to learn more about the program! REGISTER NOW.