Detroit’s Cobo Center won an annual Detroit Green Task Forces Earth Day Business Award on April 20.
The City of Detroit Green Task Force is made up of numerous environmental advocacy groups, non-profit organizations, environmental businesses, government employees and residents. The Green Task Force works to create green jobs, improve environmental policy, and build a more sustainable city.
The April 20 event is held each year to celebrate Earth Day and to recognize those individuals and businesses whose work is committed to securing Detroit as a more sustainable and resilient city.
“I am proud to recognize the hard work and efforts of our sustainable community who are working creatively and collectively to make Detroit the greenest city in the country,” said Councilman Scott Benson, chair of the City Council’s Green Task Force District 3.
The Detroit Green Task Force awards local organization with their “Earth Day Business Award” for outstanding efforts in sustainability and contributing to the Detroit Green Task Force’s sustainability action agenda.
This year, at their annual awards breakfast, Cobo Center received the Earth Day Business Award for being significantly invested and adjusting operations to prioritize sustainability for each event and on an ongoing basis for facility operations.
Cobo Center currently holds multiple industry and local recognitions for waste reduction, energy and water efficiency, and is becoming an industry recognized destination for green events.
“We are humbled by this honor from the great city of Detroit,” said Claude Molinari, venue GM. “This recognition of our ongoing sustainability efforts is truly appreciated.”