Due to the many generous donations given by members, your IAVM Foundation Board of Trustees is proud to announce the five raffle winners of the VC20 100+ Women Campaign Scholarships:
- Morgana Sommer, Kimmel Center
- Tiffany Stephens, Saint Augustine Amphitheatre
- Tina Segrove, SFJAZZ
- Carlene Moore, DelMar Fairgrounds
- Therese Spaseff, Charleston Gaillard Center
Launched four years ago by your IAVM Foundation, the 100 + WOMEN of IAVM Campaign 2020 is committed to generating funds for five women (one from each sector) to attend VenueConnect conference and two women to attend AVSS (one woman for each year). The idea is simple – 100+ Women (or Men) each giving $100 (or any other amount), which means $10,000+ each year. The 2020 campaign raised $13,945!
Bill “Sparky” Bavirsha, CVE, IAVM Foundation Chair stated, “Thank you to everyone for your dedication and support so that your Foundation can continue its legacy of making a difference for venue professionals. Your participation in this year’s 100+Women of IAVM campaign enables us to help these members receive professional development and to network during this unique time. Enjoy our first ever virtual VC20!”
If you have been furloughed full-time or laid off from your venue, reach out to Meetings@iavm.org for assistance to participate in VenueConnect by Friday, 10/23/2020 by 3:00 PM CDT. The conference is October 26-30, 2020.
To learn more about VenueConnect 2020, or to register, please CLICK HERE.
If you missed out on donating to the 100+ Women of IAVM campaign, you can still help fellow members to attend events and trainings for professional development by contributing to the Foundation’s #WeBelong Dollars for Diversity Scholarship fund. CLICK HERE to learn more and give!