The 2023 IAVM Call for Volunteers launched January 31, 2023 with an email message from First Vice Chair, Kerry Painter, CVE, CMP, CEM and President & CEO, Brad Mayne, CVE.
Volunteers are at the heart of what we do, and it is only because of the time and knowledge our volunteers contribute that we are able to fulfill our purpose. We hope, therefore, that you will consider responding to this Call for Volunteers for the term August 1, 2023, through July 31, 2024.
As a volunteer, you will be making a difference to this industry, and giving back to other members. You will get value out of your service, making connections with other IAVM leaders and learning about the issues that face us all. If you have not served before, please consider making the commitment as your diverse thoughts, ideas, and viewpoint are greatly appreciated and needed to keep the Association moving forward.
Among the many volunteer opportunities is service on one of the Association’s committees. IAVM has two types of committees: board committees and management committees. A board committee helps the board do its work, of oversight, strategy and member engagement. Management committees help IAVM’s management do its work, of meeting the board’s goals and effectively operating the Association to deliver benefits to our members.
The deadline to respond to the Call for Volunteers is March 20, 2023; reminder emails will be sent later today to any member who has not completed their application. If you do not see the reminder email in your INBOX, please check your SPAM FOLDER. If neither folder shows your personalized link to the application, please reach out to Rosanne Duke or Tyson Gingery for assistance.
Volunteers will be notified of their management or board committee assignment no later than the end of June.