There was a lot of industry news this past week you may have missed. Here are some headlines that caught our eyes.
How iBeacons Could Change the World Forever
—The Washington Post
“An iBeacon could identify that a fan is within feet of the turnstiles, and a related app will open on a user’s phone. A prompt could then ask if the fan would like to view his or her ticket for the day’s game.”
Samsung Named the Official Patron of The PGA of America
“As part of the agreement, Samsung and the PGA will be working together to develop multi-screen, second-screen and interactive experiences to create the next generation fan experience.”
It’s A Winter World Cup! FIFA Exec Rules Out Summer Tournament In Qatar 2022
—The Huffington Post UK
“The dates for the World Cup (in Qatar) will not be June-July. To be honest, I think it will be held between 15 November and 15 January at the latest.”
Rule #1 of the Customer Service Experience, and of Business Success
“The customer is at the center of the customer’s universe.”
When It’s OK To Love Someone at the Office
—The Wall Street Journal
“…leaders of all types of companies need to recognize that the emotional cultures of their workplaces are as important as the “cognitive” concepts they place front and center – like innovation or results.”
(Image: Jonathan Newton /The Washington Post)