There was a lot of news this past week. Here are some stories that caught our eyes.
The 25 Most Popular Music Clubs in the U.S.
“A major artist in front of a small crowd — investors call it a “perishable experience”; fans call it a once-in-a-lifetime moment. It plays out over and over in the club world, and it is one reason why the live music business remains at a premium in an ever increasingly on-demand entertainment culture of streaming and DVRs.”
Your Phone is Key to the Future Of Concerts
—Fast Company
“More and more, seeing your favorite band play live revolves around your mobile phone.”
New Generation is Happy for Employers to Monitor Them on Social Media
—The Conversation
“Allowing bosses or would-be employers a snoop around social media pages is a growing trend in the US, and now a new report from PricewaterhouseCoopers and the Said Business School suggests it may well become the norm.”
7 Ways to Work Better… By Working Less
“While it’s important to manage and schedule tasks, time is only half the equation. The second half is about managing energy, which, unlike time, is replenishable. Even though many of us think the best way to work hard is to put our heads down and grind away, making the most efficient use of your time is all about renewing energy.”
The Loudest Word in Rock and Roll
—The Atlantic
“‘The’ has risen and fallen in popularity among band names over the years. But its presence or absence always says something about a group’s music, members, and relationship with history.”
(photo credit: squesada70 via photopin cc)