By R,V, Baugus
Prior to receiving the 2023 Convention Center Lifetime Achievement Award, Courtney Dyer, CVE, was described as a unicorn, that rarest of public assembly venue managers who worked in one local market – Virginia Beach, VA. Not only one market, but Dyer was even born in Virginia Beach. The retired IAVM member and long-time staple of Region 5 was feted for his achievements in a distinguished 48-year that began in 1972 at the Virginia Beach Civic Center.
Putting the years in perspective, Dyer noted during his acceptance remarks that he worked when “we used 12-foot poles to put letters on 20-foot marquee signs.”
Ah, those were the days, and on this particular Tuesday morning before a room full of peers who came to recognize and honor Dyer, this was quite the day for one of the industry’s finest.
“It has been since 2019 that I have been at an IAVM event,” Dyer said. “This is like old home with so many of you that I grew up with.”
Dyer spent a large portion of his acceptance remarks thanking many of his contemporaries with anecdotes about each. From Bill Holland (who is now a 52-year IAVM member) and counting others who are in the Who’s Who book in the industry including Cliff Wallace, Lionel Dubay, Shura Garnett, Peggy Daidakis, John Smith, and others, Dyer paid homage to those who helped shape his career.
He talked about his attendance at IAVM events that began with an Operations Manager meeting at the Richmond Coliseum and included what he called the “summer camp for adults in Wheeling, West Virginia (read: Venue Management School).”
Dyer went on to work at the Virginia Beach Pavilion and then opened the Virginia Beach Convention Center. Through the years, Dyer has been active in volunteering including the Virginia Beach Rescue Squad, Virginia Beach Health Clinic, and – imagine this – playing the role as one of the world’s thinnest Santa’s.
Through it all, Dyer’s passion for Region 5 was most evident. It has been a passion and service of love that he has had throughout his career.
Dyer also looked forward in acknowledging some of the new and emerging leaders within IAVM, naming Naz Sabripour, Mac Campbell, and one of his mentees in Virginia Beach, Bryan Miller.
Finally, Dyer shared a story from one of his high school reunions. The situation was that Dyer was concerned his class would not have enough attendance numbers to meet the contract with the hotel. But as the event drew closer, Dyer was relieved to find that the hotel wanted to work with his reunion at the numbers of those who came. No attrition here.
“The message is that we all need to give a little forgiveness,” Dyer said. “We need to make people want to do business with us.”
It is a lesson that Dyer learned well in Virginia Beach. It is a lesson he carries forth in his personal life when it comes to acceptance and forgiveness. It is why Courtney Dyer became the latest and most perfect honoree for the Convention Center Lifetime Achievement Award.