The IAVM Foundation Board of Trustees collectively came together on Tuesday, December 2, to participate in the global fundraising initiative known as #GivingTuesday to raise money for the IAVM Foundation’s new campaign, “Build An Amazing Future,” focused on scholarships, internships, young professional development, and a new mid-level certification. To learn more about the Foundation and our amazing future, please visit
Many thanks to everyone who responded to our tweets, texts, emails, and phone calls asking for your support!
Jan Addison, CFE
Maureen Baker
Aaron Batson
Ron Beck
McKell Bennett
Jason Blackwell
Dina Boehmer
John Bolton, CFE
Deborah Boyne
Jim Brown, CFE
Danny Bryant
John Christison, CFE
Susan Conard
Paul Cramer, CFE
Michael Cronin
Peggy Daidakis, CFE
Jessica Deri
Kate Dickerson
Cortney Dotts
Joe Durr
Robby Elliott
Margo Frost
Tanner Fry
Molly Galen
Shura Garnett, CFE
Carolyn Gibson
Eric Granger
Mary Hanifin
Taylor Harris
Aaron Harrison
Vicki Hawarden, CMP
George Hayward
Ashley Hemphill
Phil Kerrigan
Steven Kirsner
Elaine Larsen
Sara Lawson
Jason LoRusso
Joe LoRusso
Nancy LoRusso
Sharon LoRusso
Joseph Lubeck
Scott MacLeod
Kelly Martin
Brad Mayne, CFE
Shannon Mccullough
Michelle McIntyre
Meredith Metcalf
Chris Miller, CFE
Kaycee Murray
Larry Perkins, CFE
Chelsea Phillips
Dave Radcliffe
Benjamin Ray
Matthew Renaud
Ronna Ricco
Sarah Rogers
David Ross, CFE
Kenna Saadeh
Dusty Saine
Mich Sauers
Robyn Sciuchetti
Jeff Seward
Howard Sherman
Rich Singer
Tyler Smith
Amy Swisher
Martin Thorson
Tom Tingle, AIA
Emily Toon
Maria Trunkenbolz
Stephanie Vandyck
Cliff Wallace, CFE
Stewart Wirth
Randy Ziegler
#GivingTuesday is simply a global day dedicated to giving back and it comes on the heels of the consumer-oriented days after Thanksgiving, known as Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday. #GivingTuesday celebrates and encourages charitable giving that support nonprofit organizations.