Imagine if your venue could adapt to your guests’ emotional states. That may seem like fantasy, but one group is working on it.
The STAN (Science Technology Architecture Networks) research project is exploring whether buildings can reflect human emotions. The group created a Twitter-reactive garden of articulating steel structure that is controlled by people’s responses via Twitter when they use the hashtag #gardenup.
“The garden essentially points to a future in which buildings could modify themselves in response to monitoring our emotional state via social media,” said Richard M. Wright, senior lecturer at the Lincoln School of Architecture in England. “For example, if we feel like wearing a big cosy jumper and sipping a cup of boiling hot soup, it will turn the temperature down and open a window. Buildings may also begin to reflect the mood of a populace by changing color or shape, constantly remapping our perception of our urban environment, with facades becoming animated, reflective, and mobile in response to communal desires and emotions.”
The STAN project will be making its first public appearance at the Garden Up horticultural event in Sheffield, England, June 7-8. You can also follow @thestanproject on Twitter to learn more about the project.
(Image: The STAN project)