Trevor Chesler, is the Booking and Marketing Coordinator, BOK Center & Cox Business Convention Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Since working in Tulsa, he has been able to grow and develop his skills as a venue professional while also being an active member of the local arts and music community.
“Thank you so much for choosing me as a 30 Under 30 recipient! This is an incredible honor! My journey in the industry began in college when I served on the concerts board at Syracuse University. After a handful of volunteer opportunities and an internship with SMG in Reading, PA in 2016, my dream of working in live events was becoming a reality. Shortly after graduating in 2018, I accepted my position in Tulsa where I am today.”
Join your Foundation in congratulating Trevor on being honored as one of the 30|UNDER|30 Class of 2020 and don’t forget to come back each Thursday as we spotlight another honoree!
VenueConnect 2020 Closing Keynote
“Now more than ever before– against this backdrop of pandemic and uncertainty–it’s critically important that we come together as a community to share best practices, unique perspectives, and innovative approaches to conducting business safely and securely.” – Linda Reid,Vice President of Security Operations with Walt Disney World Resort
Join us virtually October 26-30, 2020 for VenueConnect 2020 as we welcome Linda Reid, Vice President of Security Operations with Walt Disney World Resort, as our conference closing keynote speaker.
Title: Reaping the Whirlwind: Using Optimism and Agility to Tame Chaos
Description: Steering through the storm with Agility and Optimism by implementing Disney’s best practices to re-energize and engage all employees. This session will focus on reframing a health crisis as an opportunity for learning and innovation while keeping energy levels high and positive as we navigate through the storm.
Linda Reid currently serves as the security leader for the largest Disney Park and Resort complex in the company, the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida. Linda’s first job in the Walt Disney Company in 2008 was as the Director of the Global Intelligence and Threat Analysis unit where she built a team of corporate intelligence analysts who serve as the “strategic tripwire” for risks and threats to the Walt Disney Company’s personnel and guests, facilities, and brand worldwide.
Believing that we are safer together than we are apart, Linda is a founding member of the Department of Homeland Security’s Classified Intelligence Forum, which assists DHS analysts in understanding threats to the private sector, and the Commercial Facilities and Outdoor Events subsector councils.
Don’t forget! Members who register before September 30th will be entered for a chance to win 1 of 10 American Express Gift Cards (value $50). Don’t delay! Register now!
By R.V. Baugus
As founder and CEO of Southlake, Texas-based Abiding Strategy, Lisa Harrington excels in getting businesses “un-stuck” and learning to communicate. Is it fair to say that the public assembly venue industry — like so many others — is stuck today as we navigate the change wrought by COVID-19?
“The venue industry will lead the way into our recovery and heal the hearts of the people of this country as we are able to re-engage and begin rebuilding our economy,” Lisa likes to say.
She will share that message and more as the Opening Keynote speaker for VenueConnect 2020. The author of “Taking in Strays: Leadership Lessons from Unusual Places,” Harrington likes to look at the amazing skills that people have and help to bring out their best.
She took a few minutes to visit with us about her session, one that you will want to make sure to have on your calendar and to participate in.
Share with our readers just a little about yourself and the overarching mission of Abiding Strategy.
After 30+ years in the corporate executive ranks, Sapphire Enterprises d/b/a Abiding Strategy was founded after I learned that only about 20% of American businesses have a plan for their companies. Strategy is my expertise and my favorite subject! Building a full strategy is a critical element of success, especially when there are challenging circumstances in the economy or in the organization. Businesses who have a vision, live by their values and stick to their mission are much more likely to weather the storm. Among other things, I created a six-hour workshop to help businesses of all sizes build a strong foundation and plan for their future, with templates for the tactical execution, a visual aid for their crew and more.
Speak some to how your areas of expertise work well within our industry of public assembly venue management.
Having worked in the association industry for 15 years, I fully understand the challenges of the venue and conference business. I held the CAE certification for about 15 years, and have worked with non-profit boards at many levels, both as a volunteer board member and as the coach and trainer to help boards understand their role in the organization.
Noticed on your email sign-off information you identify as a Vistage Chair and Strategy Coach. Help us understand those disciplines a little better.
Vistage is a 60-year-old coaching and peer group organization. Our members are 25,000 strong in over 20 countries around the world. As a contracted Vistage Chair, I have several groups and 30+ members who come together monthly in groups to help each other make better decisions for their companies. The membership includes the group meetings and 1-1 coaching sessions with me, and more.
As a Strategy Coach through my own company, Abiding Strategy, I teach clients how to leave a legacy with their work and lead their crew into the future by focusing on the long game and getting out of the weeds. This includes managing their own expectations, aligning their actions to the vision of the organization, and getting out of their own way.
What will be some highlights of your keynote closing presentation that should make attendees want to attend?
Venue managers will have an enormous impact on the healing of our country from the pandemic. The human spirit needs to be in the presence of other humans, and we have lacked that connection for a long time. Knowing how to lead your organization into the future despite the challenges we’re facing will help your venue, your crew, and your community to come back together. In this way, we can help launch our economy back into the prosperity that we have all worked so hard to achieve. This means we, as leaders, must keep ourselves healthy, so that we can help the organization effectively. This will include learning to pivot our thinking and maybe even our service offerings, adjust to new realities all while managing the stress that will accompany those changes. All change causes stress, even when it’s positive. Since leaders are responsible for everyone in the group, it’s imperative that we stay ahead of these things. Our legacy will then be ensured. We’ll talk about all these things and more.
How about takeaways. What will some of those be?
Reframing the concept that self-care is selfish is one element that will be valuable for the session. How can we recognize the symptoms that will cause us to be pulled off our mission? How well have we planned for this, and can we stick to the roadmap we’ve developed? What should you look for in your crew to be sure they are handling all these things effectively, handling the day to day details while continuing to see the big picture? How can we make good long-term decisions despite the uncertainty of the short-term situation?
I have to ask this, but what have you most discovered about people and/or businesses during this current pandemic?
The range of reactions has been astonishing. At first, many hoped it was so short term that we could treat the isolation and lock downs as vacations. As the issue wore on, there was significant anticipatory grief, and even anger or shock. We’ve seen how isolation can affect our reactions to simple issues. Everything is exaggerated and emotions are high due to the feeling in our ancient brain that we are continually under threat. It’s always been lonely at the top, and right now it’s even worse. The best leaders were able to reach out to peers, and help each other find their way through. It’s one of the advantages of Vistage and other peer groups. I’ve seen very strong personalities realize that they needed more than coaching, and engage therapists. This is the right move, since the ability to think clearly is so much more important when we’re in crisis like this.
Unfortunately, the percentage of leaders who have a coach (or therapist or both) is remarkably small. There’s never been a more important time to get help, even though it can seem like a bad time to spend that money. One bad decision by a leader due to distraction can have a domino effect on the entire organization. The leaders that realize this are managing their reactions, responding thoughtfully, and looking past the temporary so they can maintain their vision of the future.
By Jasmine Shannon
The Venue Safety and Security Committee (VSSC) hosted its first Zoom meetings of the 2020-2021 term on August 20 and September 17. There is a good mixture of new and returning committee members representing all venue sectors (amphitheaters, arenas, convention centers, complexes, performing arts centers, stadiums, and universities) along with several Allied Members — which is exactly the mix of expert input the committee needs to be successful.
VSSC had high hopes of a year full of productivity at the beginning of our 2019-2020 season. However, our year was quickly derailed by the pandemic. Soon our conversations revolved around the issues and challenges faced due to the spread of COVID-19. The aspirations of productivity took a back seat while we all tried to navigate a foggy future directly affecting everyone’s safety and security.
Since then, there have been many COVID-19 IAVM committees dedicated to helping our industry rise back up in a safe manner. Therefore, VSSC is ready to take on all safety and security matters – not only those related to COVID-19 – and produce helpful tools and resources across every venue sector.
Call To Action
Each sector has a separate subcommittee chaired by a member of the Venue Safety and Security Committee (VSSC) that meets once a month. It’s an informal setting where anyone who is interested in safety and security can be involved in the conversation whether you are an IAVM member or not. These calls are a great way to stay in the know on what VSSC is talking about regarding your sector. We provide a safe space to talk through safety and security challenges to find out what works and doesn’t work. Each subcommittee creates an avenue to push these topics up the chain to the VSSC to ultimately find solutions and resources. If you or a member of your team is interested, please email to get added to your sector’s monthly call. If the meeting option isn’t ideal for you, email any safety or security questions you would like the Venue Safety and Security Committee to explore.
It is an exciting time for all of us. We look forward to being a committee that creates and enhances the value of your IAVM membership.
Jasmine Shannon is Event Coordinator at the Berry Center in Houston, Texas, and a member of the Venue Safety & Security (VSSC) Committee.
VSSC Committee members include: Joe Levy, CVE, Chair; Kathryn Carlson, CVP, Vice Chair; Russell Dyer, Past Chair; Rachel Bomeli; Jeremy Brown; Liz Collins; Joe DeGeorge; Brendan Farley, CVP; Ross Girouard, CVP; Colin Holman; Eddie Idik, AVM; Andy Jabbour; Elizabeth Jones; Alexander Keen, ETCP; Mark Montgomery; Kerry Painter, CEM, CMP, CVE; Zach Rutledge; Jasmine Shannon; Russ Simons; Heidi Snyder.