When Levitt Foundation Executive Director Sharon Yazowski got together with other producing organizations across the country to float the idea of a webinar for performance venues, little did she know that the dominos would start falling and her private foundation would join with IAVM for staff training for the organization’s six (and soon to be seven) venues that feature free concerts in an outdoor setting for their communities.
We’re all aware of the incidents that have been happening on public spaces across the country over the past two years,” she said. “All of our venues are outdoor spaces. We have become more proactive in terms of how we are preparing for unfortunate situations should they happen.”
That very scenario, in fact, played out last June when protesters disrupted an outdoor concert at the Levitt Pavilion Arlington (Texas) in a demonstration against a grand jury’s decision not to indict a police trainee who fatally shot a teenager the previous year. Two of the protesters were reportedly armed with rifles. One person with an AK-47 was arrested for disorderly conduct at the concert by the Humming House band, which reportedly drew an audience of about 3,000 people.
“The protesters marched on the lawn and wanted to get on stage, so it was an incident that disrupted the performance,” Yazowski said. “It became very clear that these sorts of things could happen at Levitt venues because they are open to the public. The executive director at the venue, Patti Diou, reached out to (IAVM Director of Education) Mark Herrera because she had heard him speak during the webinar.”
Herrera conducted onsite training with the Levitt Arlington team, and after Diou reported back to Yazowski that it was an “incredibly positive experience and we should provide the training for all the executive directors at the venues,” the wheels were set in motion for the group to become proactive in its support and resources to its venues across the country.
“We invited Mark to join our executives,” Yazowski said. “It was a wonderful experience and really just the tip of the iceberg. The training was set to get everyone’s minds thinking in a circular way. We are now working with Mark and IAVM to develop onsite training for all our venues so that he is not only working with executive leadership but also with those on the front line … the staff, production crew, volunteers and others.”
Yazowski acknowledged that preventing those with bad intentions can’t always be headed off, but without advance training the chances for safeguarding venues drop significantly.
“Sometimes no matter how much training you do, you can’t prevent something from happening,” she said. “But if you are trained you have the tools, you have the knowledge, to diffuse the situation as quickly as possible. We want to make sure we are putting measures in place that would make our sites undesirable to that sort of interruption, but if an event happens all of our people are ready to manage the situation in an efficient manner that can secure everybody and ensure everyone’s safety as quickly as possible.”
Based in Los Angeles, the Mortimer & Mimi Levitt Foundation’s website describes the foundation as one “dedicated to reinvigorating America’s public spaces through creative place-making and creating opportunities for everyone to experience the performing arts. The need for more third places—those informal gathering spots outside the realms of home and the workplace—has become increasingly clear in today’s world and guides us in our community-driven efforts. Our goal is to reflect the best of American city life by creating community and social interaction among people of all ages and backgrounds; empowering cities across America to reclaim green spaces and reinvigorate public spaces; and ensuring the performing arts are accessible to all through high quality, free concerts.”
“We are a national funder so we provide grants to each of the venues, and we facilitate network dialogue and network cohesion, but each of the individual venues has its own team in place that’s responsible for the programming and the sustainability of the venue and what happens on the ground level,” Yazowski said. “We support them in those efforts and provide training resources, but ultimately they will work with Mark in a way that makes the most sense for their venue and for their communities.”
Yazowski said that the leaders in place at the Levitt venues all exemplify the organization’s ideals.
“They are excellent at what they do,” she said. “These venues are an integral part of their community. They are really excited to have this opportunity because they know it will benefit the venue and it will benefit the community at large.”
By Jim Kinney
Stuart J. Hurwitz, a restaurant owner known as “Mr. Springfield” when he ran the Springfield (MA) Civic Center, died Sunday, February 19. He was 83.
In a 2003 profile in The Republican, Hurwitz answered the question “I’m successful because” with “I’m willing to work hard and because I love what I do.”
He listed “People who don’t give their all to the job” as a pet peeve in the same piece.
According to his obituary, Hurwitz lived in Longmeadow, where he raised a family with his wife, Joan. Along with his sons he established the American Restaurant Management Corp., which operates several UNO Pizzeria & Grill and Sonic Drive-In locations in the greater Springfield area.
He left the business in the hands of his sons in 1999 to become general manager of the Springfield Civic Center. He was at the arena until 2005, using his business acumen to revitalize the operation.
He guided the center through major renovation and transition into state ownership as the MassMutual Center.
He served as a board member and leader of a number of civic organizations including JGS Lifecare, Greater Springfield Convention & Visitors Bureau, Springfield Chamber of Commerce, Springfield Business Development Corp., Springfield Performing Arts Development Corp. and the Economic Development Council of Western MA.
Following his time at the Civic Center, he rejoined the restaurant business. The Hurwitz family opened Rein’s Deli locations in West Springfield and in Tower Square, but both locations closed in the face of the Great Recession.
Hurwitz brought a West Coast chicken restaurant concept, Pollo Campero, to Boston Road. He quickly recognized that it was a poor fit and replaced it with the region’s first Sonic.
In 1990, Hurwitz was asked why he established a Pizzarea Uno downtown the year before. He said he did it because of the diversity and dynamism present in the central business district.
“You find unique things here that you can’t find anywhere else,” he said.
He wasn’t afraid to add to that dynamism. Here is how he expanded on a call for “crazy ideas” to enliven downtown: “We can’t have a nudist party, but we could have a toga party or some other event to put Springfield on the map,” Hurwitz said.
He is survived by his wife Joan (Solomon), his children Steve, Michael and Mark and their wives, his sister Ida Ward and seven grandchildren.
Memorial contributions may be made to JGS Lifecare, 770 Converse St. Longmeadow, MA – JGSLifecare.org, or to Temple Beth El, 979 Dickinson St. Springfield, MA. For further information please visit AscherZimmerman.com.
Jim Kinney is with MassLive.com and The Republican.
By Alexis Berggren
Director of Event Services, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
The Region 5 Conference is rapidly approaching on April 4-7 in New Orleans. Plan now to be at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center for the education and networking opportunity of a lifetime.
Sessions will feature a variety of content and speakers aimed at providing value to everyone from the new venue professional to the industry veteran. Topics and speakers will include:
Natural Disasters & Weather Phenomenon
The last calendar year has provided many challenges for areas throughout Region 5: floods in Louisiana, fires in Tennessee and tornadoes in Mississippi, among others. Join us for a panel featuring your industry colleagues and emergency management experts to discuss the impact of these events on their venues and communities.
Doug Thornton, Executive Vice President, Stadiums & Arenas (SMG)
Michael Day, General Manager (Raising Cane’s River Center, Baton Rouge)
Pat Santos, Emergency Management Expert (Thompson-Booth, LLC)
Phil Constantin, Department of Homeland Security Advisor, Gulf Coast
Home Grown: Creating & Producing Your Own Events
A panel of venue operators and festival producers will share with you best practices for generating ideas, sourcing sponsors, revenue opportunities and the tips & tricks to executing successful in house events!
Matt McDonnell, Executive Director (Mississippi Coast Coliseum & Convention Center)
Marci Schramm, Former Executive Director, French Quarter Fest
Dottie Belletto, President & CEO (New Orleans Convention Company)
Tim Hemphill, Vice President, Sales & Marketing (New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
Creole, of Course
Creole, of Course is a multi-sensory, multi-media culinary & historical jazz “dinner theater” show to celebrate New Orleans’ Tri-Centennial. This exciting program will be featured within the schedule as one of the lunch activities during the conference.
Presentations and keynote addresses from notable figures in the tourism and hospitality industry, including J. Stephen Perry, President/CEO of New Orleans Metropolitan Convention & Visitors Bureau. Perry serves on the board of directors and executive committee of the U.S. Travel Association as we as the US Travel Advisory Board, which is the body that advises national policy as it pertains to tourism.
We will also offer hands-on practical learning opportunities includes IAVM’s Situational Awareness and Trained Crowd Manager programs as part of your registration!
Region 7 was host to an IAVM Arizona Chapter Meeting on February 1 at the Phoenix Convention Center with a full one-day itinerary that touched on several topics and issues that qualify as hot in the venue management industry.
“It was a successful meeting,” said Robby Elliott, Mesa Arts Center. “We had more than four 40 people present and had three sponsors to thank in Aventura Catering, Sico Seating and Ticketforce.”
In addition to networking, a silent auction and Town Hall session, the slate of events included sessions on Practical Application of Continuing Risk Assessment with the convention center’s own Kevin Mattingly, Gender Issues led by Michael Soto of Miller Russell Associates and Best Practices for On-Boarding New Employees by the venue’s Jon Brodsky and the NBA Phoenix Suns’ Yolanda Mendez. IAVM Chairman Mark Mettes, CFE, Herberger Theater Center, provided a briefing on IAVM updates as well as the One Member, One Vote campaign.
“A result that came out of the Town Hall was that the technical directors and production supervisors of all the major performing arts centers have decided to meet quarterly to discuss labor trends for stagehands in the area and to discuss better ways to cultivate new talent,” Elliott said. “We also discussed the recent immigration ban and the possible pop-up protests and other security concerns that are becoming all too frequent for all sectors.”
With gender issues now very much in national headlines, attendees were updated by Soto, whose background includes working in the public sector for government and non-profit agencies including the Arizona Commission on the Arts, Arizona Citizens for the Arts, Equality Arizona, and the National Center for Transgender Equality.
“Mostly the conversation stemmed around venues acting in a neutral capacity and how to deal with facility renters who have strong opinions one way or the other,” Elliott said. “An example that was brought up is that a religious group rented a portion of the Phoenix Convention Center and an individual was denied access to a restroom that was rented by the religious organization.”
The Silent Auction raised $680 toward the Arizona Chapter’s VMS Scholarship fund.
“Overall, it was a great event that was well attended by mostly PACs and convention center personnel,” Elliott said.
As the Venue Management School celebrates its 30th year, we want to urge you to connect with us and share your own personal VMS story for the May/June issue of Facility Manager magazine.
Whether serving as an instructor or going through the school as a student, the Wheeling Feeling and Oglebay experience is one that is unique and special to those who have spent many a June in West Virginia. Formerly the Public Assembly Facility Management School, these last 30 years have seen incredible growth and change in the industry that the school has been on the cutting edge of every year for the students who gather.
While we cannot guarantee that every memory will be able to fit in the May/June magazine, we will do our very best to make it happen. All reflections will appear on a special designated space on the IAVM website, so please be a part of telling the story of VMS.
Do you have a lesson you learned while at the school that has proved invaluable in your career? Tell us that story.
Is there a special fond memory from your time at the school that carries on with you today? Please share.
Do you work at a venue that encourages staff to attend the school to enhance their professional development and to one day carry the powerful CFE designation at the end of their name? We’re all ears.
Are you an instructor who has seen dynamic changes in the school’s curriculum and in the professional level of the students who have attended your classes over the years? We want to know all about it.
Happen to have some VMS pictures you can share for us to use? Send them now.
To share your story, please click here.