We really need your professional expertise, if you can contribute some of your time at one of IAVM’s upcoming conferences. As you may have heard, we are launching a new credential, the Certified Venue Professional (CVP), targeted at the mid-level professional and above. While the Certified Facilities Executive (CFE) credential will continue to be our highest level of achievement, the new CVP will fill a gap our members are telling us exists for them, and will give members who are working up their career ladder another way to show they possess the knowledge and skills needed to advance.
To that end, we are seeking venue managers with a minimum of three years of practical experience and knowledge to contribute to the development of a Competency Standard, which will define the skills and knowledge required of competent venue professionals. Our Certification Board is planning to allow points toward your designation if you participate in either of these focus groups, as well as demonstrating leadership and networking with others in the industry.
Any additional costs incurred to participate would be at your own expense, due to a limited budget for this project, but at most that should entail one or two extra hotel nights, if you are already attending one of these conferences. The focus groups are scheduled for September 17-18 at AMC and October 1-2 at ICCC, both from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day.
If you are able to participate in either of the focus groups, please let Michelle Johnson know and she will make sure and reserve a spot for you. And thank you in advance for making a difference, especially to our young professionals.