It appears In a study of 3,199 men and women aged 60 years or older over an eight year period, those who had a positive outlook on life had fewer physical impairments than those whose dispositions were darker. “The study shows that older people who are happier and enjoy life mo
The Academy for Venue Safety & Security (AVSS) will take place February 23-27 in Dallas, and it offers professionals in the venue industry intensive training in security planning and life safety management. We recently spoke with Russ Simons—chief listening officer and managing pa
My day begins with four cups of black tea. A co-worker will stop for Starbucks. Another will down an energy drink. We’re all trying to wake up and get our bodies going for the workday, and caffeine is the easiest and quickest way to do that. Caffeine consumption, though, may hav
When you’re a Certified Facilities Executive (CFE), it shows that you’re a skilled manager, that you’re committed to the industry, and that you’ve pledged to continue your professional growth and development. You’re also recognized as an expert in your p