Mark Kaufman, Director of Public Safety for the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center shows fire department personnel the Convention Center’s Public Safety Dispatch Center during the tour.
NOFD members were welcomed by the President and GM of the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, Michael Sawaya, who thanked them for their service to not only the convention center, but to the entire city of New Orleans. Personnel attending the tour were then taken to the back-of-house areas of the convention center to better understand the building’s multitude of fire prevention and suppression measures. Firefighters toured the convention center’s physical plant, fire pump stations, loading docks, Public Safety Dispatch Center, and other safety-critical areas. Each stop on the tour was designed to help first responders better understand the layout of critical areas of the convention center in case of an emergency.
“We were honored to give a tour of our facilities to the New Orleans Fire Department,” said Mark Kaufman, Director of Public Safety for the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. “The safety of our guests is our number one priority, and we are always looking for new ways to assist first responders in any way we can.”
These safety-focused initiatives will continue later in 2018 when members of the NOPD, NOFD, and EMS will be invited to participate in a mock-emergency simulation at the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center.