Alex Soltero is a Security Manager at the Los Angeles Convention Center where he coordinates, manages, and helps execute security plans for a variety of events. He has had the pleasure of working with numerous high-profile clients and dignitaries, as well as local and federal agencies to deliver safe and successful experiences. He looks forward to growing within the industry and continuing to build relationships with his peers.
When I learned that I would be included in IAVM’s 30|U|30 Class of 2020 I felt extremely honored and humbled. It felt surreal to have been chosen for the honor from among a group of incredibly talented and influential candidates.
Join your Foundation in congratulating Alex on being honored as one of the 30|UNDER|30 Class of 2020 and don’t forget to come back each Thursday as we spotlight another honoree!
By PR Newswire, Bandit Lites, and R.V. Baugus
In a letter to President Biden on Tuesday, January 26, AEG, Bandit Lites, Broadway League, International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), International Association of Venue Managers (IAVM), Live Nation, the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM), the National Independent Talent Organization (NITO), the National Independent Venue Association (NIVA), Oak View Group (OVG), and We Make Events formally offered their venues, staff, and expertise to the COVID-19 vaccination effort. The live event industry is in a unique position to help – the pandemic has fully shuttered operations, leaving venues empty and the furloughed crowd-management oriented staff who operate them eager to help out and get back to work.
The press that the industry garnered immediately went beyond impressive.
The Live Events industry announced the launch of COV-AID, an effort to assist with increasing the speed and efficiency of vaccine inoculations for COVID-19 in the United States.
The COV-AID Leadership Team is connected with the Biden Transition Team, the HHS, the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, the National Governors Association and several Senators and Representatives across the nation.
Using the infrastructure already in place from We Make Events North American network, regions will help identify a venue or multiple venues as potential sites for inoculation. Local health and medical officials will work with Live Event people to design the set up for each area. The Live Event teams will execute the physical set up and provide needed infrastructure from local production firms. The local Live Event staff in each market will serve as labor (directing and coordinating ‘people traffic’) each day while the local medical staff handle all the actual medical details.
“The millions of people in the Live Event Industry stand ready to assist the White House, the HHS and the medical community to deal with the logistics of people flow,” said Bandit Lites Chair, Michael T. Strickland. “This will free up medical staff that are currently not able to assist with giving shots. This alone will be a huge win and increase the number of vaccines given.”
There is an expected supply surge of vaccines in mid to late February as Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson should all make such available. The AstraZeneca solution is thought to be close after that.
A coordinated effort by the medical teams with the Live Events Industry will assure the fastest, safest delivery of vaccine inoculations in the U.S. by managing large crowds in a manner which the Live Event Industry do, virtually every day!
Coverage of COV-AID can be found below:
Wall Street Journal:
AP Wire:
Live Design:
NY Daily News:
Broadway World:
The Patriot AM 1150
Rolling Stone:
Digital Music News:
NEPA Scene:
The Music Universe:
Thank you all for everything you do.
Be safe.
Michael T. Strickland
The Diversity and Inclusive Leadership Committee is proud to announce our first scholarship application for 2021.
We are committed to providing financial support for IAVM sponsored events and training to increase diversity and awareness of our industry. Please take a moment to complete the DILC GuestX Scholarship Application.
Diversity Scholarship Application Criteria
The diversity scholarship focuses on broadening the number of traditionally underrepresented groups in the venue management industry.
Note the application deadline is coming up quickly: Friday, January 29.
Don’t delay. APPLY today.
IAVM is pleased to welcome Dr. Justin Anderson, the founder and CEO of the industry leading, sport and performance psychology, Premier Sport Psychology as a workshop speaker to virtual GuestX 2021!
Workshop Title: Building a Resilient Mind: Applying Mental Strategies That Elite Performers Utilize to Manage Highly Adverse Situations
Description: We live in a world where everything we do demands results. In business, sport, or even personal relationships, we face daily challenges that require us to perform at our best and give everything we have (and then some). But what happens when we are stressed and depleted? How do we find the extra energy or a path forward? Many of our best athletes and performers now turn to sport psychologists for strategies to build a more resilient mind and to optimize their functioning. In this session, Dr. Justin Anderson (sport psychologist for teams in the NFL, NBA, and MLB) will discuss several strategies that can optimize our mindsets to improve our mental-toughness and well-being – even when we are fatigued, over-stressed and under pressure.
“We spend what seems like an infinite time training in various areas of our lives; training for our careers, for our bodies and for our spirituality or relationships… But how much time do we spend intentionally training our minds?” stated Dr. Anderson. “Effective concepts derived from sport and military populations have advanced the field of performance psychology and are now being applied to anyone who wants to perform more optimally, think better, and feel healthier. This session will give the attendees at the GuestX Conference a few fundamental tools that the best of the best use to develop a more resilient mindset as we prepare to return to life and work in a post-pandemic world.”
If you have not already registered for GuestX 2021, there’s still time! Simply click here to register now! We hope to “see” you at virtual GuestX 2021!
The Leadership Development Committee is pleased to announce the application for the board position for the Stadiums Sector Director is now open. Applications will be accepted through February 28 and can be found here.
The Sector Director shall serve on the IAVM Board of Directors as a conduit for communication (in accordance with Governance Policy GP-6.3) between the IAVM Board of Directors and the Sector Committee specifically, and the Sector Members in general, communicating the needs and concerns of members to the Board of Directors and carrying the message of the Board of Directors to the Sector members.
Per Sector Director Nomination Guidelines, current Stadiums Sector Director, Patrick Tetrick, will lead the nomination process by appointing a Sector Nominating Committee.
In considering nominees for office, the Sector Nominating Committee shall
evaluate prospective candidates using the following suggested criteria:
• Achieved a minimum of CVP designation, (CVE designation preferred;
• Provide documentation of equivalent attributes and experience to be
considered in lieu of certification;
• Graduated from the IAVM or VMA Venue Management School (VMS);
• Prior service on the appropriate management Sector Committee;
• Demonstrate a commitment to IAVM through participation at the
Association, Region, Sector or Chapter level which may include
participation in educational sessions as a lecturer, panelist or instructor;
participation as a committee member or committee chair or other
volunteer opportunities beneficial to IAVM;
• Be willing and able to serve the entire 2-year term;
• Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of IAVM governance
structure, goal, philosophy and mission;
• Provide evidence of job stability (self-declaration is acceptable);
• Make a commitment to act ethically and in the best interests of the
Association and its members;
• Preferably, also be a graduate of the IAVM Senior Executive Symposium
For more information, click here.
Please note that there is a discrepancy in application deadline dates in this document. Applications will be accepted through February 28.