There was a lot of news this past week you may have missed. Here are some headlines that caught our eyes. Angry Birds Coming to NHL Stadiums Across the Country —GameStop “Not only will the HockeyBird mascot greet fans at stadiums in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, and Vancouver,
As an association, one of IAVM’s most important goals is to bring our industry together through sharing. We publish this blog to share inspiring stories, current trends, relevant news, and the success stories of others. We provide conferences and educational programs to encourage netw
Tony Hsieh doesn’t want to be CEO of Zappos anymore. Okay, that’s not quite true. In reality, he doesn’t want the title “CEO.” In a move that some outlets are already touting as the hot, new management trend of 2014, Hsieh will flatten his organization an
There was a lot of industry news this past week you may have missed. Here are some headlines that caught our eyes. Do You Know What Life Will Be Like In 5 Years? IBM’s Top Scientist Does —Fast Company “In the 5 in 5 report IBM’s top scientists report on what the worl
As a marketing person, I’m always looking to see what the competition is up to. Today, I Googled “venue safety.” The first return is IAVM’s AVSS, the Academy for Venue Safety and Security. This certainly makes the marketing person in me smile. Other than that, I find thousands of sear