Sympathy is often considered a weakness in business, but new research by Laura Kray, a professor in the Haas Management of Organizations Group at University of California, Berkeley, proves otherwise. “Sympathy is an emotion that corresponds with good will,” Kray said. “In negotiations
The best way to “win” in negotiating is to make the buyer feel like what is purchased is a gain rather than a loss of money. It really comes down to word choice. This is what was discovered in a recent study by researchers at Leuphana University of Lüneburg and Saarland Un
You may have been advised in the past that making a range offer during negotiations is a bad move. However, some new research from Columbia Business School proves differently and that range offers are beneficial. “For years, we taught students to avoid making range offers in negotiati
The recent Meeting Professionals International World Education Congress featured a session about contract issues, and Sue Pelletier at MeetingsNet offers a great recap. In the article are some related story links, and one of them is “11 Lessons on Negotiating with Convention Cen