There was a lot of industry news this past week you may have missed. Here are some headlines that caught our eyes. A First Look at Tomorrow’s Super-Stadiums for Gamers —Gizmodo “The future of gaming? Huge stadiums, like those for football and soccer, with cavernous i
There was a lot of industry news this past week you may have missed. Here are some headlines that caught our eyes. At the Airport of the Future, Even the Security Check Is Self-Service – “On Wednesday a Palo Alto (Calif.)-based startup called Qylur (pronou
The crew started the conversion at 9:31 p.m. and were finished by 3 p.m. the next day. They relocated the pitching mound. They installed 6,679 seats. They removed foul poles and replaced them with goal posts. It took 17 hours, but when it was done, the reconfigured Coliseum was r
The Daily Fix recently asked college football fans what features stadiums should have as they’re being rebuilt. The top two answers were comfortable seats and restrooms. Plenty of restrooms. “‘Plentiful—and I mean plentiful—restrooms that are clean! I dehydrate mysel
The National Football League is all about statistics and numbers. So many millions watch the Super Bowl. Stadiums have various capacities. Teams have certain amounts tied up in player salaries. Add to the around-the-corner-and-out-the-door list the following for 2013: 12 inches by six