By R.V. Baugus Tammy Koolbeck, CVE, shared some final remarks as her most interesting and unprecedented year as chair of IAVM drew to a close. Koolbeck offered her thanks and acknowledged the contributions of many who helped her get through a year in which the COVID-19 pandemic shutte
In IAVM Board news, Phil Jordan, CVE, has stepped down as the Performing Arts Sector Director for the IAVM Board as he has recently moved into the consulting world. IAVM Board Chair, Tammy Koolbeck, CVE, has appointed Jennifer Norris, CVE, Assistant Managing Director for the San Franc
Several IAVM members participated or served as observers for the Des Moines Performing Arts Tabletop Exercise with Department of Homeland Security/Office of Infrastructure Protection. Laura Sweet, Vice President & COO of the Des Moines Performing Arts, organized the event. She al