The FCC has issued a new advisory regarding Wi-Fi Hot Spot interference. The current language from the FCC includes the following: No hotel, convention center, or other commercial establishment or the network operator providing services at such establishments may intentionally block o
Yesterday, good news concerning Wi-Fi came from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). “The FCC approved an order that sets the stage for an incentive auction that can advance both licensed and unlicensed wireless broadband. The FCC has found a compromise that will allow i
Today, the FCC voted unanimously to unleash 100 MHz of spectrum for outdoor unlicensed broadband uses, such as Wi-Fi in the 5 GHz frequency band. This additional unlicensed spectrum (a 50 percent increase in spectrum to be exact) will support all the things we already use and further
There was a lot of news this past week. Here are some stories that caught our eyes. Introducing Populous’ Living Park, an Exclusive Baseball Stadium for the Future —Sports Illustrated “A park that doesn’t simply sink into the dense urban fabric of a city, but merges with it, cre