I know we’re all polite to our co-workers, leaders, and employees and would never say or do a rude thing toward them because we know just experiencing rudeness is harmful in the workplace. “When you experience rudeness, it makes rudeness more noticeable,” said Trevor
Earth Day is this week on April 22, but the single-day theme can definitely be used all month long during April. Often we associate Earth Day activities with being outside in the sun and natural environment, but one topic that has been newsworthy lately are the effects that plants may
The way to keeping lower-level employees happy is to keep middle managers happy, according to a new Vanderbilt University study. “Middle managers’ treatment of employees reflects how bosses treat them,” said Ray Friedman, Brownlee O. Currey Professor of Management at Vanderbilt Owen G
Behind every great success is a great spouse. At least that is what a new study has found. “Our study shows that it is not only your own personality that influences the experiences that lead to greater occupational success, but that your spouse’s personality matters too,” said Joshua
Your fighting words are doing more than boosting employees—they’re causing them to be unethical, too. A Brigham Young University (BYU) business study found that bosses who motivate with violent words or phrases end up influencing their employees to play dirty. “Business executiv