I drove from the IAVM Headquarters near Dallas back in early 2013 to visit Dean Justice, CFE, in Austin and to view the association’s archives that he oversaw at an off-campus location from the University of Texas at Austin. As the former IAVM president in 1981-82 greeted me, I could
The IAVM iCommit campaign is still going strong. You have just over a month to refer a friend or colleague for your chance to win some amazing prizes! Do you have interns, students or young professionals working for you now? Is there a long-time employee who hasn’t gotten in
I am grateful for the opportunity to serve IAVM’s diverse membership. It’s been an eye-opening experience to move from being a member to actually working in the association industry. I always thought I knew what IAVM staff members did, but have learned that they do so much more. I am
As we roll into the holiday season, giving becomes a second nature for many of us, and there is no better time than right now to exercise our desire to give back. “#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. Celebrated on
“I’m at $500 n I wan $550, $550, bid n $550, I’m at $500 will you go $550, $550…” Intentional spelling errors aside, this narrative is a prime example of the imprecise sounds that an auctioneer might chant at his audience. Auctions provide the opportunity for bi