Smart Meetings just published a list of power players in the meeting and event industry, and one of our IAVM members—Karen Kotowski, CEO of the Convention Industry Council—made the list. Here’s what the magazine wrote about Kotowski: Check out the article for more of Kotowski
On Thursday, April 24, a webinar will offer an inside view of IAVM’s new Coherent Governance system and a theoretical overview of this state-of-the-art operating system for governing boards. This is an opportunity to interact with the people who created the system and learn how it can
“Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”—Margaret Mead Are you ready for a new challenge? Are you committed to getting a short-term (or long-term) project completed? Then this is the Call for Volunteers th
IAVM’s get-a-member campaign, iCommit, ends March 31, in just four days! Do you know any potential superstars that will benefit by being connected to our tremendous network? If so, here is the next step: Call or email your friends, colleagues, product and service providers—anyone that
The IAVM Mentor Connector Program is an excellent vehicle to enhance your venue management career. Supported by some of our industry’s best and brightest venue professionals, now is the time to sign up for this unique program. Are you looking to change the sector you are involved in,