The Academy for Venue Safety and Security welcomes Special Agent in Charge Aaron Rouse, Federal Bureau of Investigation, as the 2019 Opening Keynote. Rouse will speak on one of the deadliest mass shooting incidents in the United States, the Route 91 Harvest Festival. “Hav
Welcome to 2019, a year that will continue the successes we have all collectively achieved recently. As CEO of the IAVM Foundation, we thought it important to get the new year started with a brief recap of what the capable Board of Trustees have been up to and their fund-raising strat
VenueConnect 2019 in Chicago is right around the corner. and the Foundation is gearing up for the annual IAVM Foundation Golf Tournament scheduled for a morning tee-off on Sunday, July 21st. Harborside International Golf Center is the site for this year’s tournament. Home
Here is the harsh truth: you can’t stop weather from disrupting events and potentially endangering visitors at your venue. But you can plan for it and drastically reduce its impact on operations. Taking the weather into account when planning for your events is not a new concept
Annually, IAVM recognizes individuals who reach a membership anniversary milestone in five-year increments. A total of 423 awards were mailed out two weeks ago (a lapel pin with an updated member certificate). To see a complete list of recipients, CLICK HERE. We hope you will wear you