Here’s where we spotlight some of our favorite Instagram photos we’ve seen from the past week. The photos are from members and venues worldwide. If you haven’t followed us on Instagram yet, now is a good time. We may just include your photos in a future post.
By following us, you’re also entered into our monthly drawing where you can win such prizes as conference registrations, full-page ads in FM magazine, and textbooks. Congratulations to Bridgestone Arena, who is our recent winner. The next drawing will be in October.
Behold, this week’s top five!
2017 Certified Facilities Executive (CFE) application due by Nov. 1, 2016.
You may have taken the first step in the process toward becoming a CFE by completing the “CFE Checklist” to ascertain if you have accumulated the 300 points needed to apply and start the formal process, or perhaps this is the first time you have considered pursuing certification.
Now’s the time to take the second step and join that group of your peers who have reached the pinnacle of achievement with IAVM by becoming Certified Facilities Executives. Remember—Applications and three written references are due no later than Nov. 1, 2016.
The written essay is due by Feb. 1, 2017—allowing you extra time to enjoy the holidays and end-of-the-year activities.
Don’t delay, apply today. All the information you need to begin the process is found on our website. Make 2017 the year that you earn your CFE!
Deadline to submit nominations for the 2017 Joseph J. Anzivino Distinguished Allied Award is Nov. 30, 2016.
The Joseph J. Anzivino Distinguished Allied Award may be awarded annually by the IAVM Board of Directors to an individual currently or previously employed by a firm which is or was an Allied member in good standing. The president and CEO will provide evidence the nominee meets the criteria.
The following criteria are established for the Anzivino Award nominees:
The nominations and letters of recommendation should be written to IAVM President and CEO Brad Mayne, CFE, and submitted to Rosanne Duke electronically. The nomination letter and all letters of recommendation must be received by close of business Nov. 30, 2016. If you have any questions, please contact Rosanne Duke at 972-538-1025.
Deadline to submit nominations for the 2017 IAVM Foundation Legacy Award is Nov. 30, 2016.
The IAVM Foundation Legacy Award may be awarded annually by the IAVM Foundation Board of Trustees to an individual or organization who, in the opinion of the IAVM Foundation, has made a significant financial and/or non-financial contribution to benefit the mission and objectives of the IAVM Foundation. The Foundation Chief Executive Officer will provide evidence the nominee meets the criteria.
The following criteria are established for the Legacy Award nominees:
The nominations and letters of recommendation should be written to IAVM Foundation CEO Brad Mayne, CFE, and submitted to Rosanne Duke electronically. The nomination letter and all letters of recommendation must be received by close of business Nov. 30, 2016. If you have any questions, please contact Rosanne Duke at 972-538-1025.
2017 2nd Vice Chair application due by Dec. 31, 2016.
The IAVM Leadership Development/Nominating Committee is seeking candidates who are well-versed in all areas of venue management, invested in their own professional growth and the growth of others, are dedicated to the advancement of the venue industry as a whole and have the demonstrated ability to lead the association.
The application process and criteria are available here. The deadline to submit your application to Rosanne Duke, the director of governance & operations, is Dec. 31, 2016.
Minimum Qualifications:
The nomination process is member-initiated. The website directs the interested members to review the criteria and utilize the online self-assessment tool to help determine their individual eligibility as a candidate for senior office and to ultimately submit an application form should they wish to be considered as a candidate.
The application and supporting documentation is due by Dec. 31, 2016.