More millennials are becoming bosses every day. You may not be working for one now at a venue, but you may in the future. Then the question arises, if you’re in an older generation, how do you deal with working for a younger boss? Expert career counselor Dawn Rasmussen, CARW, CM
Did you know that the average cost of replacing a minimum wage employee is US$3,500? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, customer service and hospitality are two of the top industries where turnover is highest. For a business to thrive in today’s economy, finding and retainin
“Good governance is everyone’s business,” says Mike Canduff, president and CEO of the Elim Group, in his forward remarks to Boards That Matter, a book about implementing effective governance systems, written by Linda Dawson and Randy Quinn, consultants to the IAVM Board of Directors.
The IAVM Foundation Legacy Award may be awarded annually by the Board of Trustees to an individual or organization who, in the opinion of the IAVM Foundation has made a significant financial and/or non-financial contribution to benefit the mission and objectives of the IAVM Foundation
The Joseph J. Anzivino Distinguish Allied Award may be awarded annually by the Board of Directors to an individual currently or previously employed by a firm which is or was an Allied Member in good standing. The president and CEO will provide evidence the nominee meets the criteria.