Unmanned aircrafts (a.k.a. drones) will be popular holiday gifts this year. The Federal Aviation Administration knows that and has partnered with the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, the Academy of Model Aeronautics, and the Small UAV Coalition to educate prospe
We venue managers share many similar issues, concerns, and goals regardless of our type of venue. The safety of our participants, ticket holders, partners, employees, and everyone else involved with our operations, as well as the security of our venue itself, are topics that concern u
Take a short break and read this great article from the Associated Press featuring a behind-the-scenes look at MetLife Stadium’s security operations. “MetLife Stadium previously won a security award and recently was nominated for another one for the system, which cost clos
As updates, new procedures, and evolving resources become available regarding the current Ebola incidents, IAVM remains vigilant in ensuring that members and professionals throughout the venue industry receive the support and information needed to maintain the safe, healthy environmen
The International Association of Venue Managers (IAVM), the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Commercial Facilities Sector-Specific Agency, and the U.S. Sports Leagues Subsector Council have agreed to collaborate in order to help keep venues safe and up-to-date with the lates