The best gift you can give your customers consists of two words: Thank you. According to a new study from Michigan State University (MSU), satisfied customers who were acknowledged by a company president for filling out a satisfaction survey increased their patronage to the business b
Our drive to improve ourselves moves into high gear as we look toward a new year. And one of our first places of improvement starts at work, where we should always seek to better ourselves. According to Kitty Boitnott, PhD, NBCT, a certified life strategies and stress management coach
The Bleacher Report released what’s sure to be a much debated article: “The 25 Best Cities to be a Sports Fan.” “We broke each city down into eight categories: the number of teams there, the success of those teams in the past five years, how nice the stadiums a
The 5th Annual Lights All Night Festival just packed 40,000 citizens of EDM nation into the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, Texas. Al Rojas, assistant director at the convention center, invited IAVM’s magazine team to attend the 2013 festival where we saw first
It’s the last week of January (sorry, we mean December; we got way ahead of ourselves), and we, too, have the listicle bug. It’s that virus that infects all blogs and websites and forces them to post their top 10 stories of the year. So, instead of fighting it, we’re