Sacramento Republic FC currently plays in the United Soccer League, a minor league that would be comparable to AA baseball but the organization believes they are #BuiltForMLS. With attendance numbers over 10,000 on average, Sacramento is strongly pursuing an expansion franchise in Maj
You’re going to love these festivals if you’re a country fan. Next Memorial Day weekend (May 27-29, 2016), Daytona International Speedway will play host to the inaugural Country 500 music festival. Set to perform are Luke Bryan, Florida Georgia Line, Kid Rock, Lady Antebel
You may have taken the first step in the process toward becoming a CFE by attending the “How to Become a Certified Facilities Executive (CFE)” webinar on September 24, 2015, by completing the “CFE Checklist” to ascertain if you had earned the 300 points needed to make application and
Serving as the operations manager at the South Towne Expo Center located in Sandy, Utah, I am continually seeking ways to learn and grow personally and professionally. This isn’t just of personal benefit, as it further extends to our professional venue and our community. As a new memb
Mid-year conditions for most venue managers are steady compared to last quarter and the average of 2014. Sixty-five percent of industry professionals say that overall current business conditions are positive, comparable to 62 percent last quarter and 64 percent for all of 2014. This i