By R.V. Baugus Since 2014, Todd Hunt, CVE, has served as an instructor at IAVM’s Venue Management School. He has had an opportunity over those eight-plus years to hear other’s names called as recipients of the prestigious Ray Ward Award, so named after the father of indust
By Bonnie Goodman for Live Arts Centers of North America Responding to the challenges of structural racism in performing arts institutions across the U.S. and Canada, Live Arts Centers of North America (LACNA), a coalition of more than 50 of the largest performing arts centers in both
By R.V. Baugus The “Open” sign hangs proud and boldly around this year’s VenueConnect in Phoenix. Unlike 2020 in Long Beach (virtual only) and 2021 in Atlanta (open with restrictions), the Valley of the Sun is ready to host IAVM in 2022. The always popular “A D
By R.V. Baugus Disclaimer: It was during a Zoom meeting with fellow IAVM staffers Amy Fitzpatrick and Greg Wolfe that I met IAVM VenueConnect Keynote Speaker Ann Meyers Drysdale. When it came my turn to do a brief intro so the legendary UCLA, WBL, and broadcasting star could better un
By Stacie Bauer Ungerboeck announced that it has acquired the products developed by risk management agency Reliance Risk and will be debuting an industry-first application for mitigating risk to events and venues. Risk management is an essential part of venue management and event plan