Ripping open that bag of Kettle Maple Bacon chips at the end of the day isn’t due to a lack of self control. It’s because you wanted to eat those delicious, tasty, bacon-flavored chips. “It’s not that people cannot control themselves, it’s that they don
You can now blame your gender on your inability to remember things. According to researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, men have worse memories than women. “It was surprising to see that men forget more than women,” said Jo
Forget wrath, greed, sloth, etc. These are the seven sins updated for an always-on culture that likes to keep its social media close and its email closer. “Back in the dial-up era, when going online had a cost implication, most people checked email maybe once a day and often res
Raise your hand if you keep your smartphone next to you when you’re in bed. Now raise your other hand if you still use it for work-related matters after 9 p.m. Touchdown. You may be more tired and less engaged at work. Michigan State University (MSU) researchers have found that
As an association, one of IAVM’s most important goals is to bring our industry together through sharing. We publish this blog to share inspiring stories, current trends, relevant news, and the success stories of others. We provide conferences and educational programs to encourage netw