Kentucky Venues, which includes the Kentucky Exposition Center and Kentucky International Convention Center, is cashing in today on the results of its long-term, comprehensive program to reduce energy usage at the two facilities – earning nearly $400,000 in commercial rebates from Lou
By Wenger Corporation/J.R. Clancy Last week we met Greg Garfield, President of Public/Private LLC in Dallas, who is involved in the Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences facility under construction in Lubbock, Texas. What factors contribute to successful PAC projects – thos
The International Association of Venue Managers’ 2017 Venue Industry Award winners were presented in Nashville, TN, August 9, at the 92nd annual VenueConnect Conference and Trade Show. Each year, IAVM recognizes several venues and individuals who have demonstrated leadership and innov
On Monday morning, students and young professionals gathered at VenueConnect for UpStart: a program that provides education and networking to individuals who are just starting their careers in venue management. Dusty Saine began the session by reminiscing about his own IAVM confe
Like most members who came to VenueConnect on Sunday, Ross Girouard started his morning with DirectConnect. “It’s a good time to sit down and get undisrupted face-time with a response,” said Ross Girouard, Director of Operations and Productions of Allen Event Center. DirectConnect Hos