The Charles A. McElravy Award may be awarded annually to a Professional, Honorary, or Retired member of IAVM who, in the opinion of the Board of Directors has made the greatest lifetime achievement to the welfare of the Association or profession.
The following criteria are established for the McElravy Award nominees:
The nominations and letters of recommendation should be written to Brad Mayne, CVE, President & CEO and submitted to Rosanne Duke electronically. The nomination letter and all letters of recommendation must be received by close of business November 23, 2018. If you have any questions, please contact Rosanne Duke at 972.538.1025.
Deadline to submit nominations for the 2019 Charles A. McElravy Award is November 23, 2018.
The IAVM Foundation Legacy Award may be awarded annually by the Board of Trustees to an individual or organization who, in the opinion of the IAVM Foundation has made a significant financial and/or non-financial contribution to benefit the mission and objectives of the IAVM Foundation. The Foundation Chief Executive Officer will provide evidence the nominee meets the criteria.
The following criteria are established for the Legacy Award nominees:
The nominations and letters of recommendation should be written to Brad Mayne, CVE, IAVM Foundation CEO and submitted to Rosanne Duke electronically. The nomination letter and all letters of recommendation must be received by close of business November 23, 2018. If you have any questions, please contact Rosanne Duke at 972.538.1025.
Deadline To Submit Nominations For The 2019 IAVM Foundation Legacy Award Is November 23, 2018
2019 Certified Venue Executive Application Due by November 1, 2018
You may have taken the first step in the process toward becoming a CVE by completing the “CVE Checklist” to ascertain if you have accumulated the 300 points needed to make application and start the formal process, or perhaps this is the first time you have considered pursuing certification.
Now’s the time to take the second step and join that group of your peers who have reached the pinnacle of achievement with IAVM by becoming Certified Venue Executives. Remember – Applications and three written references are due no later than November 1, 2018.
The written essay is due by February 1, 2019 – allowing you extra time to enjoy the holidays and end of the year activities.
Don’t delay, apply today. All the information you need to begin the process is found on our web site. Make 2019 the year that you earn your CVE!
The Joseph J. Anzivino Distinguished Allied Award may be awarded annually by the Board of Directors to an individual currently or previously employed by a firm which is or was an Allied member in good standing. The President and CEO will provide evidence the nominee meets the criteria.
The following criteria are established for the Anzivino Award nominees:
The nominations and letters of recommendation should be written to Brad Mayne, CVE, President & CEO and submitted to Rosanne Duke electronically. The nomination letter and all letters of recommendation must be received by close of business November 23, 2018. If you have any questions, please contact Rosanne Duke via email or by phone – 972.538.1025.
Deadline to submit nominations for the 2019 Joseph J. Anzivino Distinguished Allied Award is November 23, 2018.
iCommit, IAVM’s annual member referral campaign, ran this year from February-June 30, 2018. The objective of the campaign began by encouraging all current members to recruit one or more individuals to join our venue management community. We thank Ungerboeck Software Inc. for their continuous support of this membership campaign.
I’m happy to announce that 38 members were entered in the raffle to win prizes for each new member they referred. With their support, we added 153 new members!
Award Recipients:
Grand Prize Winner – VenueConnect 2019 Free Registration – Andrea Gate-Ehlers, Director of Operations, Wintrust Arena
Raffle Winners – Five, $500 Apple Gift Cards
Region 7 added the most new members – a total of 105 members. The Region Director will select one recipient to have his/her CVP application fee waived (value $125) by December 31, 2018.
All recipients have been notified. IAVM’s Member Services’ department thanks you for your participation and looks forward to another successful recruitment campaign led by our volunteer leadership, Just One. This campaign runs through December 31, 2018. If you have any questions, contact