First things first. Dr. Tamara Madensen did not advocate in her keynote opening speech at the Academy for Venue Safety & Security to engage in any unethical or illegal tactics when she talked about how stealing solutions helps in her work as the Director, Crowd Management Research
Severe weather can occur at any time of the year, although many areas across the country see the majority of their severe weather from March through August. As our venues approach the busy spring event season, we thought it would be good to remind our venue managers about severe weat
The AVSS Severe Weather Planning and Preparedness Conference is not until March 4-5, 2014, but it is one meeting that based on some of the content in the new Man of Steel movie, Superman and even his dad might want to attend. When it comes to action, taking out bad guys, rescuing dams
The tragedy this past weekend at Brazil’s Kiss nightclub is just one incident in a history of nightclub disasters spanning back as far as the 1920s. In the past 13 years there have been a string of 10 notable nightclub fires around the world; from a December 2000 blaze in a dance hall