Guests often have to wait in lines to enter venues, and sometimes it feels like it takes forever to get in and other times it doesn’t faze a guest at all. Why is that? Well, a study in the Journal of Consumer Research looked at the factors that determine how people experience ti
The live-streaming video app Meerkat made a splash at this year’s SXSW. A few weeks later, Twitter released it’s own live-streaming app called Periscope, which proved to be just as, or more, popular with the social media crowd. I admit, I love technology. I think new devel
When the Las Vegas arena opens next year, the audience won’t be the only thing watching an event—the venue will watch the audience, also, to generate ads. “Cameras documenting an arena visitor’s gender and age, then computers digesting facial images to generate digital ads
Capital improvements and renovations are happening throughout our industry and are arguably more important than ever as stadiums are constantly working to enhance guest experience. At Long Beach State, as we are finally set to break ground on a multi-phase renovation of our ballpark,
We recently wrapped up our Academy for Venue Safety & Security (AVSS) and GuestX programs, and they were a resounding success! Let’s take moment and view some of the highlights via photos.