The Green Sports Alliance is working in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to examine the current state of energy and water performance and identify the opportunit
These are selected news articles that showed up in our inboxes on Monday morning that we want to pass along to you. With Opening of Cowboys’ New HQ, The Star in Frisco, “The Best is Here Today” (Dallas Morning News) “The price tag for the city-owned portion of
Combine badminton, tennis, and ping-pong and you get Pickleball, a sport increasing in popularity, especially among seniors. “Perhaps no organized sport since baseball, football and basketball matches pickleball’s seduction of so wide a swath of the population,” Peter T. K
I wrote about beacons in my first post for the Front Row News blog. Major League Baseball (MLB) had just announced a partnership with Apple to offer location-based information for At the Ballpark app users. Now, almost three years later, location-based technology is widespread through
Like a bunch of Walking Dead zombies, people are leaving their desks, walking around downtowns, searching for tiny monsters. Pokémon Go is the most popular app in years, and it’s causing everything from car wrecks (please don’t Poke and drive) to finding dead bodies. You t