The International Association of Venue Managers (IAVM), the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Commercial Facilities Sector-Specific Agency, and the U.S. Sports Leagues Subsector Council have agreed to collaborate in order to help keep venues safe and up-to-date with the lates
There was a lot of news this past week. Here are some stories that caught our eyes. Why the Summer Music Festival Bubble is About to Burst —Wondering Sound “Let me see here. For just North America, we have a list of 847 different festivals.” 5 Simple Office Policies That Make Danish W
IAVM member Roy Sommerhof made the news this week when he spoke with WBAL in Baltimore (home of VenueConnect 2015) about M&T Bank Stadium’s $35 million improvement project. “Most notably, all the concession stands have been renovated,” said Sommerhof, vice presid
The 2014 Venue Industry Awards Luncheon—sponsored by Ungerboeck Software International and emceed by Chris Bigelow, founder and owner of The Bigelow Companies—took place during the 2014 VenueConnect Annual Conference & Trade Show in Portland, Oregon. The awards, hosted each year b
There was a lot of news this past week. Here are some stories that caught our eyes. Player-tracking System Will Let NFL Fans Go Deeper Than Ever —USA Today “The NFL partnered with Zebra Technologies, which is applying the same radio-frequency identification (RFID) technolo