The recent floods in the Baton Rouge, Louisiana, area have left more than 11,000 people in shelters and eight people dead as of Monday, August 15. “The number of people seeking shelter increased about 10 percent between Sunday and Monday night,” Julia O’Donoghue repo
The IAVM Foundation is proud to announce the Joseph A. Floreano Scholarship + Internship Program recipients for the 2016 Arena Management Conference (AMC), recognizing deserving individuals who demonstrate leadership, character, community involvement, and the potential to be future le
The IAVM family lost another long-time member in Bill Luther, CFE. He was a past president (now known as chair) in 1979 and a Charles A. McElravy Award recipient in 1984. Our thoughts and condolences are with his family and friends. “Bill was the District V vice-president when I
The 2016 Arena Management Conference is quickly approaching, and we look forward to experiencing some of the following great sessions with you in Tampa, Florida, September 18-20. Innovations in Arena Technology Hear about some of the latest technological innovations being used in the
IAVM members are gaining more control over their venue’s energy budgets and avoiding the risk of potential price spikes. Electricity and natural gas prices are near historically low levels today. Venue managers are advised to closely examine supply prices. If your venue is currently l