The 2015 Arena Management Conference features a full schedule of great sessions and amazing networking—with some amazing people working backstage to make it all happen. In addition to their full-time jobs, our rock star committee members volunteer their time to collaborate with staff
The 2015 Venue Industry Awards Luncheon—sponsored by Ungerboeck Software International and emceed by Chris Bigelow, founder and owner of The Bigelow Companies—took place during the 2015 VenueConnect Annual Conference & Trade Show in Baltimore, Maryland. The awards, hosted each yea
A new episode of our monthly podcast, The Venue, will air this Friday, August 28, at 2 p.m. (CST). You can register at this link: Our guest host will be Jeremy Huelsing, director of finance at Chaifetz Arena in St. Louis, Mis
Imagine making a fire. You have to continually feed it more fuel if you want it to burn brighter and higher. The same can be said for creativity. The best results are found through persistence. That’s not how most people feel, though, and a new study shows how mistaken they are.
Imagine getting to vote for future session content at a conference. Well, South by Southwest (SXSW) allows you to do that with its PanelPicker, which is now open for voting through September 4. I tell everyone in earshot that SXSW is one of the greatest conferences one can attend for