Earth Day is this week on April 22, but the single-day theme can definitely be used all month long during April. Often we associate Earth Day activities with being outside in the sun and natural environment, but one topic that has been newsworthy lately are the effects that plants may
The best way to improve your employees’ performances is to focus on motivating the “extra milers” in your organizations. A new study out of the University of Iowa found that employees function better when team members who goes beyond their job descriptions—the extra
The best way to “win” in negotiating is to make the buyer feel like what is purchased is a gain rather than a loss of money. It really comes down to word choice. This is what was discovered in a recent study by researchers at Leuphana University of Lüneburg and Saarland Un
The hospitality world can offer the venue world some great insights, especially when it comes to revenue management. Consider a 2013 study from Pennsylvania State University that looked at how user generated content works alongside price to affect perceptions of quality and value. Fin
When you create memories, you get people talking. This was the launchpad for the 2015 GuestX session on memorable customer service from Jennifer Blackmon, corporate director with the Ritz-Carlton Leadership Institute. Blackmon shared amazing examples of service that have become synony