With one, successful year in the books, the introduction of dedicated NERF Combat Zones at Gulliver’s Theme Parks in Europe might be proof that a new entertainment trend is on the horizon. “The huge visitor numbers are testament to the strong relationship between children and bi
According to a Bloomberg Business report in 2014, almost 1,750 spectators are hurt at baseball games every year by batted balls. After a string of high-profile foul ball and broken bat incidents this season, teams across all levels are faced with a dilemma. Do they extend safety netti
We invest in what we think is important. In order to better understand what technology upgrades venue managers consider important enough to invest with their people and their cash, VenueDataSource surveyed more than 250 venues to identify the trends that are most common. The recently
You’re invited to the “world’s largest tailgate” next week when Kyle Field at Texas A&M in College Station, Texas, reopens after a $485 million renovation led by Populous. Students, former students, and fans around the world are encouraged to join those in
Did you know that food waste is the largest contributor to U.S. landfills, and it is responsible for 135 million tons of greenhouse gases every year? This is one of several eye-opening facts presented at VenuceConnect this year in the Composting Mini Session. This session, presented b