Richard Wiseman, writer and host of the In59Seconds series on YouTube, has a new project called Night School, which focuses on the science of sleep. As the website says, ” It’s time to reclaim the night, and to wake up to the power of sleep and dreaming.”
With that in mind, I encourage you to take the sleep test in the video above to determine how well you’re sleeping. Wiseman says at the end of the video there are some top tips for a better night’s sleep. Those are included below.
10 Tips for Improved Sleeping by Richard Wiseman
There was a lot of news this past week. Here are some stories that caught our eyes.
Orlando Beats Out NYC as the Most Visited Destination in the U.S.
“Orlando drew 4.7 million more visitors than New York City in 2013, challenging the status of what many think of as the most visited city in America.”
Cisco’s New Business Model: Luring Millennials to Stadiums
—The Motley Fool
“According to a recent Cisco report, one out of three college students and young professionals consider Internet access as important as food and shelter.”
Rock In Rio May Be Headed To Vegas For 2015
“MGM Resorts International said Monday that the “City of Rock” development to be built between the Circus Circus resort and Sahara Avenue could attract up to 80,000 people a day.”
Five Things Every Leader Should Do
“There are many things a leader needs to balance, but here are a few key things that they should always keep front of mind.”
In a World Where Wearables Rule…
“With wearables and the data they provide, you can be the Steve Jobs of your event.”
(photo credit: Express Monorail via photopin cc)
The Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas announced today that it plans to expand its convention center, adding more than 350,000 square feet of exhibit space to its existing 1.7 million square feet.
“One of the real strengths of the recovery is in meetings,” Mandalay Bay President and COO Chuck Bowling told The Associated Press. “We have pent up demand for growing our shows.”
Construction will begin this fall, and the new space will be available in August 2015 with a total completion by January 2016. The expansion is expected to cost approximately $66 million.
The new space will also meet LEED Gold standards and include an additional rooftop solar photovoltaic array, making it the world’s largest convention center array.
(photo credit: Håkan Dahlström via photopin cc)
Like Carla Rieger, I come from a family of worriers, and by seeing how it affected their lives I’ve worked hard on suspending worry from my own life. It’s hard, though, and Rieger offers a way to help you rid yourself of this wasted-energy activity.
One day I decided to do an experiment. I got an old cookie jar and cut up strips of paper. At the beginning of the week I wrote down one worry thought per strip of paper. I put the strips in the jar as a symbolic way of “letting them go”. At the end of the week I pulled the strips out, and put them in three piles.
Guess which was the biggest pile? The first pile contained 85% of the strips, the second pile 14%, and the third 1%. I did this for seven more weeks and the percentages remained similar. I proved Moliére’s theory. Now I do this exercise with participants in my longer programs and people prove it for themselves.
I think that’s a great experiment to practice if you’re a constant worrier. Rieger also offers some ideas on how to change your focus, so check out her site to learn more about how to stop worrying so much and to start living in the now.
Are you a constant worrier? If so, how do you manage it? Please share your tips in the comments.
(photo credit: Lisa Brewster via photopin cc)
Facebook continues to be the social channel of choice for most consumers and companies. In fact, according to a Gigya quarterly survey Facebook accounted for 51 percent of all North American social logins in the first quarter of 2014. Google Plus came in second with 31 percent of logins.
We here at IAVM embrace social media and all the positive opportunities it offers to help spread stories and ideas relevant to our community of venue managers and employees. Perhaps you’re already following us on social media channels. If so, thank you and please continue to do so. If you’re not, though, here’s a list with links of the IAVM social media channels. We’d love for you to be our friend on all of them.
VenueConnect 2014 Facebook Group
Twitter for the Front Row News Blog
We have on deck Instagram and Tumblr, so we’ll let you know when those are up and running, too. We look forward to interacting with you more in the social media world!
(photo credit: giulia.forsythe via photopin cc)