Hello, IAVM members!
I’m writing to you as your new president and CEO, and if I haven’t met you yet, I look forward to doing so. I’m also pleased to share with you IAVM’s blog! As a regular reader, you’ll hear about issues that affect the venue management industry, as well as receive insights about your association and where it’s headed. Of course, I’d love to get your comments and thoughts on the subjects at hand, or feel free to email me any time at vicki.hawarden@iavm.org.
So, I recently closed out my first 45 days here at IAVM, and it’s been an eventful and rewarding time. I have spent many productive hours in conversations with volunteer leaders, staff and IAVM partners, and each conversation has given me a new perspective. That perspective, aligned with my association management experience, has led me to believe we need to focus on 7 major areas in the year ahead. Continue Reading →