When you’re a Certified Facilities Executive (CFE), it shows that you’re a skilled manager, that you’re committed to the industry, and that you’ve pledged to continue your professional growth and development. You’re also recognized as an expert in your p
As venue professionals we are all aware of Severe Weather Season. It’s the time when Mother Nature ramps up the likelihood of a severe weather incident, and it typically runs March to August. While once isolated to a few months, severe weather has now become a full-time concern, and t
I heard a statement today that epitomizes why associations matter: “You can’t just do it by your skills.” In other words, you can only get so far by yourself. To truly succeed, you need a network of peers and inspiration. In fact, a new study from the University of B
Many of us have a distinct memory of something that may not be the most monumental event in our lives, but somehow it stands out beyond all of the other daily experiences we accumulate. It might be a summer camp memory, sitting around a fire determining the maximum amount of marshmall
(Editor’s Note: IAVM does not conduct education sessions during trade show hours.) Should you have concurrent educational sessions during exhibition hours, or separate dedicated hours for each? Is your event a conference and exhibition, or an exhibition and conference? There is a big