The 5th Annual Lights All Night Festival just packed 40,000 citizens of EDM nation into the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, Texas. Al Rojas, assistant director at the convention center, invited IAVM’s magazine team to attend the 2013 festival where we saw first
It’s the last week of January (sorry, we mean December; we got way ahead of ourselves), and we, too, have the listicle bug. It’s that virus that infects all blogs and websites and forces them to post their top 10 stories of the year. So, instead of fighting it, we’re
La Scala, the famous Italian opera house in Milan, doesn’t like tarty guests. For years, it’s had a strict policy forbidding late arrivals from entering until an interval during a performance. However, that policy is now changing due to increasing aggression from guests to
The beacon life cycle has evolved. That’s right, technology moves fast, and what’s next is uBeacons. Whereas iBeacons speak at you (or more specifically, your phone), uBeacons converse with you. Consider it the Web. 2.0 of beacons. VentureBeat writer Barry Levine offers a
My wife was legitimately camouflaged in a green t-shirt from her alma-mater, while I awkwardly tried to look the part of an alumni from a university 16x larger than the athletic-less art college I attended. Getting a game of catch to happen at my school required a full marketing campa