The San Francisco Symphony is about to wrap up the first season of Soundbox, an experimental music venue that leverages unused rehearsal space, art, video, and superb sound to deliver shows to a new audience well below their traditional 64-year-old patron. Attendees of IAVM’s 20
The International Association of Venue Managers (IAVM) is pleased to announce Steve Peters, CFE, founder and president of VenuWorks, as the recipient of the 2015 Charles A. McElravy Award. The McElravy Award, named in honor of one of IAVM’s founding organizers, Charles A. McElravy, wa
Industry veteran Roger Newton recently announced his retirement from the arena management industry. Newton left his position as president and general Manager of the Bon Secours Wellness Arena in Greenville, South Carolina, last fall after serving in that role for nearly 10 years. Newt
The Sydney Opera House and Walsh Bay are set to receive major upgrades, according to New South Wales (NSW) Premier Mike Baird and Deputy Premier Troy Grant. Baird said that a re-elected Baird government would create a AUS$600 million Arts and Cultural Infrastructure Fund as part of it