Our long, 160-year nightmare of rope-dependent elevators is now over, claims a German elevator company. “Now, the long-pursued dream of operating multiple cabins in the same elevator shaft is made possible by applying the linear motor technology of the magnetic levitation train
Congratulations to the Saint Paul RiverCentre and the Xcel Energy Center Complex in Minnesota for achieving LEED, Green Globes, and APEX/ASTM certifications. Each certification requires a comprehensive auditing of organizational environmental practices and procedures and compliance wi
It’s that time of the year that list lovers crave the most: Top 10 [fill in the blank] of 2014! For this blank, let’s look at Instagram’s Top 10 Most-tagged Locations of 2014. Some IAVM member venues made the list (and Instagram examples are included with their names
Factory Records was a Manchester, England-based, music label that was home to such iconic acts as Joy Division, The Smiths, and Happy Mondays. While its heyday is no more, its legacy will live on in a new theatre and arts venue called The Factory Manchester, which plans to open in 201
The Vancouver Convention Centre gets its hair cut just once a year. And by hair, I mean its green roof. According to an article in Successful Meetings, the trimming is serious work because it’s part of the venue’s commitment to good sustainability. Groups find this commitm